Many of our students are interested in learning about other cultures firsthand by studying or volunteering abroad. We encourage you to explore these opportunities—and we can help you with your options.
Study abroad
Foreign language and culture classes give a head start to anyone who’d like to study abroad. Whether you go for a semester, a year or a summer, or accompany a faculty member and fellow students on an educational trip, the experience can change your life.
We can work with you to research study abroad opportunities, which are coordinated by the WSU Office of International Programs in Pullman, and help you determine what credits you will earn upon return. Financial aid can be applied to the cost of study abroad, and there are scholarships for study abroad students, as well.
Although we do not coordinate internships, we can help you evaluate your options. If you speak Spanish or another language, you’ll often have an advantage in qualifying for an internship to earn college credit while learning professional skills.