Learning goals
- To expose students to a thorough and integrated study of social sciences, humanities, histories, languages, the arts, and other related disciplines as appropriate to the degree pursued, that will allow them to develop a deep, broad, diverse, and transdisciplinary perspective and understanding.
- To expose students to a diversity of ways to Integrate and synthesize knowledge from multiple sources.
- To help students develop means of expressing concepts, propositions, and beliefs in coherent, concise and technically correct forms appropriate to their professional goals.
- To help students think, react, and work in imaginative ways stimulated by a higher degree of disciplinary synergies that will promote transdisciplinary innovation, and divergent thinking.
Learning outcomes
A student completing the General Studies—Social Sciences degree program will be able to:
- Integrate learned skills and knowledge derived from the study of the social sciences and other related disciplines, acquiring the necessary depth and breadth required for a transdisciplinary perspective.
- Demonstrate proficiency in using disciplinary-appropriate methods for research or critical analysis, or for professional performance.
- Communicate conclusions, interpretations, and implications clearly, concisely, and effectively, both orally and in writing for different types of audiences.
- Articulate and apply values, principles, and ideals derived from an individual as well as integrated understanding of their areas of study that demonstrate awareness of current societal challenges.